Do not worry about doing RoR on a server until you know enough about it to
make that investment. RoR c an easily be developed on your own computer. The
built-in server is more than adequate for learning and development.
When you have a finished application that you want to deploy,.then it''s
to worry about this. I don''t recommend thinking about the deployment
when you''re first starting out.
Deploying Rails isn''t that difficult but the shared hosts who
specialize in Rails (read: don''t know how Rails actually works) make it
harder and painful for new developers than it needs to be.
On 12/1/06, Daniel Bertini
> Hi all! I am new in RoR and I am with a doubt that can be stupid but I
> thank any aid. I am with a server and necessary to publish a RoR
> application, it was accustomed with php that public_html was necessary
> only to place the archives in the folder but in RoR I do not make nor
> idea. The staff who installed the RoR for me there ordered me log so
> that he can know oq was installed, lacks some thing? How I must proceed?
> If possible it would like to publish a first application made in RoR,
> any one, one application of blog or any another thing, to only
> understand this process.
> Since already I thank the attention and help!
> Oq was installed:
> 274 wget
> 275 tar zxf rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
> 277 cd rubygems-0.8.11
> 280 sudo ruby setup.rb
> 285 cd rubygems-0.8.11
> 290 rm rubygems-0.8.11
> 291 rm rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
> 333 wget
> 335 tar xvfz ruby-1.8.5.tar.gz
> 337 cd ruby-1.8.5
> 342 ruby -v
> 385 wget
> 386 tar -xvzf ruby-1.8.2.tar.gz
> 387 ./ruby-1.8.2/configure && make && make install
> 388 wget
> 389 tar xzvf ruby-1.8.5.tar.gz
> 390 cd ruby-1.8.5
> 395 wget
> 396 tar xzvf rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
> --
> Posted via
> >
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