Hey all, My site is working ok except for a page that displays as text instead of html. I tried to use this: puts "Content-Type: text/html" then it display the page as html normally but I still get that ugly part on top of my page: Content-Type: text/html Set-Cookie: _session_id=6356b18a24d56a0da01bfab791fa911d; path=/ Status: 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache here is the url: http://rdigikam.sitlib.org/calendar/list?month=8&year=2006 the rest of the page that works: http://rdigikam.sitlib.org/tags any idea how I could get rid of this? This is the code of my list.rhtml: <center> <br><br> <% startdate = Time.local(2006,8,1) endate = Time.local(2006,8,31) cal = CalendarGrid.build(Time.local(@passedyear.to_i,@passedmonth.to_i,1)) puts "Content-Type: text/html" %> <% cal.years.each do |y| unless y.year.to_i!=@passedyear.to_i %> <br> <%= link_to(("<"), :year => y.year.to_i-1, :month => @passedmonthparam) %><%= y.year %><%= link_to((">"), :year => y.year.$ <% y.months.each do |m| if m.strftime("%m")==@passedmonth %> <% unless @passedmonthparam.to_i==1 %> <%= link_to(("<"), :year => y.year, :month => @passedmonthparam.to_i-1) %><% end %> $ <%= ''<span>Sunday</span> <span>Monday</span> <span>Tuesday</span> <span>Wednesday</span> <span>Thursday</span> <span>Friday</$ <% s = m.weeks.collect do |w| %> <div id="datediv"><%= w.collect { |day| "#{(day.proxy?) ? ''out''+tag("img" , "src"=> "/images/outofmonth.jpg") : get_image_day$ <% end %><% end %><% end %> <%= puts %> <% end end %> </center> and this is the code of my layout: app/views/layouts/calendar.rhtml <html> <head> <title>Tags: <%= controller.action_name %></title> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''scaffold'' %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''images'' %> </head> <body> <p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice] %></p> <% newdate = TimeZone.new(0) currenttime = newdate.now %> <p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice] %></p> <center><h1><%= link_to(("Albums "),:controller => "images",:action => "showimgbyalbum") %><%= link_to(("Tags "),:controller $ <%= @content_for_layout %> </body> </html> thanx in advance Pat