Ok, I partially answered my own question...
> <some model>.find_by_sql(''SELECT * FROM A; SELECT * FROM
Will return results only from the first query, ignoring the second. So
my next question: how do I make AR NOT ignore the results from the
second record?
Jim Powers
On Sat, 18 Nov 2006 08:29:56 -0500
Jim Powers <rancor-mn4gwa5WIIQysxA8WJXlww@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> Here''s a question for y''all:
> How can I/Is is possible to have ActiveRecord work with multiple
> distinct result sets from a single SQL request?
> Imagine the following:
> <some model>.find_by_sql(''SELECT * FROM A; SELECT * FROM
> Will I just get a bunch of objects of <some model> type with A
> attributes and a bunch with B attributes? Or will ActiveRecord bork?
> Unfortunately, I just can''t ''don''t do
this''. Here''s my dilemma:
> I''m in the process of writing a replacement of our application in
> Rails. We started in ASP.NET and MS SQLServer. SQL Server
> support nice things like MySQL''s OFFSET to make paging
> Rails'' hack for SQL server doesn''t, um ... work! In any
case we have
> some out-of-this-world stored procedures that force SQLServer to do
> the paging of our results for us ;-) . The result is two distinct
> result sets: the first once contains the total count of rows that
> *could* be returned and the second result is a subset of rows from
> the result set already sorted, offset, and limited to what I want to
> display on the current page.
> As you can guess I pretty much need to work with these stored
> procedures. Any advice?
> Jim