On 11/3/06, Dark Ambient
> I have a link_to , to a page that is comprised of a partial and an ajax
> link that creates a div and form inside that div.
> So when the ajax link is clicked the form opens up.
> What I want to know is it possible to use the link_to , to get to the form
> direct.
> example -
> controller: myprofile
> action: update
> ajax link: create a new outfit
> so in <% link_to "my profile", :controller => :myprofile,
:action =>
> update %> there is an ajax link on that page to "create a new
> somehow I''d like to do <% link_to "my profile",
:controller => :myprofile,
> :action => update, :action => "create_a_new_outfit" %>
> This make sense , is it possible ? I''m not interested at this
point I
> can''t change anything in the controllers.
> So the ajax calls on the page are link_to_remote, so if it doesn''t
> to crazy , somehow i want to link_to to a link_to_remote.
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