RailsRecipes has a recipe for this , so I''m working through that now :)
On 11/1/06, Dark Ambient
> Trying to figure out how to do this and came across this page:
> http://fora.pragprog.com/rails-recipes/write-your-own/post/223
> Seems a little confusing as to what is what in the method definitions.
> Anyone use it or have another way to get drop downs into the in place
> editor ?
> Confusing regarding above link:
> 1- In applicationhelper
> def in_place_collection_editor_field(object,method,container) # I take it
> the container is the paramters for the collection Somemodel.find(:all. ...
> # object,
> method didn''t take as symbols or ''string''.
> The final parameter, *container*, contains the options for the drop-down
> box. First, resolve a tag and create the submit URL:
> tag = ::ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new(object, method, self) # not
sure what self is referring to here.
> url = url_for( :action => "set_#{object}_#{method}", :id =>
> tag.object.id ) #okay , this makes sense.
> Then we move on to the controller code:
> On the controller side, you will need to define a method *
> set_object_method* to handle the input. Next, start the definition of the
> function: # am i actually naming it set_object_method or just
> set_myobject_mymethod ?
> function = "new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor(" function <<
> function << "''#{url}'',"
> Then, process the options:
> collection = container.inject([]) do |options, element| options <<
> ''#{html_escape(element.last.to_s)}'',
> end
> Finally, add the collection to the final Javascript:
> function << "{collection:
[#{collection.join('','')}]," function <<
> end javascript_tag(function)
> Stuart
> --
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_ambient
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