I *think* this is the deal: the default table type in MySQL is MyISAM,
which is generally good for speed with web apps and such, but it does
not support transactions. So MySQL will take the rollback command, but
won''t actually roll anything back.
To enable transactions, you must be working with an InnoDB table, which
is the more hardcore table type in MySQL. It requires more resources to
read and write these tables, but according to databasejournal.com, you
get these benefits:
InnoDB Features
* ACID-compliant transactions.
* Full referential integrity
* Row-level locking
* Tables are stored in a tablespace (unlike MyISAM tables where each
table is a file)
Vincent Tsao wrote:> i use rails transaction like these:
> Account.transaction do
> first.do_something
> end
> in first.do_something, i set a error, it should be rollback after these
> code excuted
> here is a param in my log:
> [4;36;1mSQL (0.000000) [0;1mROLLBACK
> i find rails do rollback operation, but in my database ,the data is not
> rollback,
> anybody may help?
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