If I use scrollable_element on a long list inside a div which is
scrollable, the moment I click on one of the items without even moving
the mouse it jumps up to a higher position (IE & Firefox), if i drag
and drop the dropped element is moved higher than where I dropped.
I suspect that this has something to do with drag and drop relying on
mouse position within the whole page and not on the position within the
containing element.
Also it would be nice if the list would scroll automatically if i drag
the item towards the top/bottom of the list. I could use move up/move
down links in the rows as a last resort but drag and drop is so much
friendlier if the row needs to move up/down by multiple rows.
Any ideas ...
Before any one suggests [ I can see the flames a mile away :-) ] I
should avoid using a scrollable div, I have already considered that and
it won''t be viable in the app I''m writing as the customer
insists the
''header'' and ''footer'' details remain visible
(e.g. Customer, Supplier
Info in header/scrollable details/totals and buttons at bottom). To be
honest I tend to agree with them because if there is one thing I hate
about most web page designs is scrolling down to read a document and
having to scroll back up again to get at the top/sidebar menu. That is
fine as a fallback but not acceptable when the browser supports
scrolling divs/iframes/whatevers.
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