On Wednesday, June 21, 2006, at 2:37 PM, Scott Walter
>I''m attempting to add a route via a plugin. I attempted to add
>following to my init.rb:
>myroute = ActionController::Routing::Routes.connect "boo2",
>puts "path=#{myroute.path}"
>myroute.options.keys.each do |k|
> puts "#{k}=#{myroute.options[k]}"
>The newly created route is coming back to me in my "myroute"
>varaible. And I validate that the path and options are set.
>However the route does not work.
>Is there anything special I need to do to "activate" the route?
>Thanks in advance. scott.
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My understanding is that the routes get set up after the plugins get
loaded, so setting them in a plugin just gets over ridden by the defaults.
There may be a hack around this, but I think for the most part the best
solution is to add it manually ATM.
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