Displaying 20 results from an estimated 64 matches for "varaible".
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2012 Nov 21
Creating a frequency table for binomial varaible
1 10
2 14
3 10
4 11
5 0
How can I create such a table?
Forgive me if this is a very basic question. I am new to R.
Thank you very much.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Creating-a-frequency-table-for-binomial-varaible-tp4650286.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2012 Apr 21
[LLVMdev] Little Problem about Variable memory allocating way in function
As I want to generate code for the varaible declaration, at first, I
thought AllocInstruction()could implement this.
However, the name "alloc" seems to allocate memory from heap memory.and the
local variable in function should stay at stack memory.
In which way did llvm allocate memeory to AllocInstruction() ? Would the
memory al...
2011 Feb 25
Forced inclusion of varaibles in validate command as well as step
Hello all
I am a very new R user
I am used to using STATA
My problem:
I want to build a Cox model and validate this.
I have a large number of clinical relevant factors and feel the need to
reduce these. Meanwhile I have some clinical variables I deem sufficiently
important to force into the model regardless of AIC or p value.
This is my present log over commands
2012 Jul 20
Forced inclusion of varaibles in validate command as well as step
Dear prof. Harrell,
I'm not able to use the force option with fastbw, here an example of the error I've got (dataset stagec rpart package):
> fitstc <- cph(Surv(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2 + grade + gleason + ploidy, data=stagec)
> fbwstc <- fastbw(fitstc,rule="aic",type="individual")
> fbwstc
Deleted Chi-Sq d.f. P Residual d.f.
2007 Jan 26
Use a text variable's value to specify another varaible?
Greetings guRus --
If a variable, e.g., 'varname', is a character string, e.g. varname <-
"datavector", and I want to apply a function, such as table(), to
datavector, what syntax or method will do so using only the variable
varname? This seems similar to indirect addressing, but I have not seen
a method for it in the R manuals. Is there a general name for such
2011 Jan 25
barplot with varaible-width bars
I would like to produce a bar plot with varying-width bars. Here is an example to illustrate:
ww <- c(417,153,0.0216,0.0065,556,256,0.0162,0.0117,
+ 726,379,0.0358,0.0501,786,502,0.0496,0.0837,
+ 892,591,0.0785,0.0795)
produces a barplot of 5 pairs of bars that are of equal width
2006 Apr 25
how can I access a class variable outside of the class???
we wanted to access a class varaible from outside of
the same class, like
class klass
we found out we can not use the class variable like
klass.var1 we have to create a class function like
class klass
def var1
return @@var1
If anyone know how to access a class variable direc...
2009 Oct 23
Inserting rows
Hi all,
I have the data set df with three varaibles,
x1 x2 x3
1 2 5
2 4 1
5 6 0
1 1 2
I want to insert more rows ( eg, 3 rows with value filled with zeros)
1 2 5
2 4 1
5 6 6
1 1 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Can any body help me out?
2006 Jan 24
what this line means exactly? (@@active_connections ||= {})
def self.active_connections #:nodoc:
if allow_concurrency
Thread.current[''active_connections''] ||= {}
@@active_connections ||= {}
what the line "@@active_connections ||= {}" means
as I undertands is if the class varaible
@@active_connections has a value then return the
value, otherwise return {}, but what is {}, a bloc of
nothing??? or what?
Thanks you very much
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2006 Feb 10
convert rails object to javascript variables
Am i a total idiot to try and parse out a rails object for javascript
in this way?
for i in interface_items[0].attributes
var <%= i[0] %> = "<%=h( i[1] )%>"
Am I missing something really obvious?
I am Mark Daggett and I approve this message.
2006 Mar 01
link_to_remote, doesn''t receives params?????
I''m using link_to_remote to trigger an ajax zone, but
depends on a varaible, the new zone has different
features. before I has a button inside a form. so when
I click on the button, I get the value of the variable
inside "params". but since I use link_to_remote now, I
don''t get any value from params anymore.... Is there
some way I can get the data inside...
2002 May 03
skipping columns with read.fwf?
...about 40,000 rows and 40 variables (columns). I only need about 10 variables form the data set for the analysis at hand. Unfortunately, these 10 variables are not contiguous in the file, for example, the first is position 1-8, the next position 25-27, then 40.
Is there a way to read the selected varaibles that I need without reading in the entire data set?
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2011 Mar 14
[LLVMdev] How to load a data from the address of unsiged long type
Now I have an address that present in a unsigned long address like the
following format:
Value* addr = CONST(0xc0008000)
But I do not know how to read the data from the above addr varaible. I
tried the following three kind of code:
1. Code:
Value* addr = CONST(0xc0008000);
Value* data = new LoadInst(addr, "", false, bb);
Segmentation fault
2. Code( use BotVastInst to vern):
Value* addr = CONST(0xc0008000);
a = new BitCastI...
2004 Mar 11
kenrel 2.6.4 patch for fixing warning of smbfs on high gid/uid
when i compiled latest linux 2.6.4 kernel source with gcc 3.3.2 on
i got a few warnings about varaibles beeing compared against constants
where the range of the variable is so that the expression is always
The explicit comparison has to do with the code for high-uid and gid sheme.
attached you will find a diff which does eliminate this error message
by introducing an inline function that...
2009 Mar 23
Replacing a few variable values within a DataFrame...
I would like to replace a few varaibles within a data frame.
For example, in the dataframe below (contrived) I would like to replace the current housesize value only if the Location is HSV. However, I would like to leave the other values intact.
I tried "ifelse", but I don't really need the else condition.
2006 Jun 21
Adding routes via plugins
...nect "boo2", :controller=>''plugin'', :action=>''index''
puts "path=#{myroute.path}"
myroute.options.keys.each do |k|
puts "#{k}=#{myroute.options[k]}"
The newly created route is coming back to me in my "myroute" varaible. And I validate that the path and options are set. However the route does not work.
Is there anything special I need to do to "activate" the route?
Thanks in advance. scott.
2006 Apr 17
interaction terms in formula of lm or glm
...t; foo$coefficients
(Intercept) V1 V3
29.47368421 -2.15789474 0.02631579
Why do the foo coefficients not include V3:V3 ?
I thought that the variable "V3:V3" has the values of squares of V3
elements, that is,
Am I wrong?
If I specify a fouth varaible "V4" with square values of V3, and the formula
is y ~ 1 + V1 + V3 + V4, it seems that the foo will give me different in and
out-sample predictions.
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2006 Jul 04
Column Selection
Hi All,
I have 500 variables time series data for 10 years data. I have sorted 10 out of them according to them. Now my group is giving character string. But i want to fetch those varaible data from theoriginal data. How can i do this?
Suppose, total is the data of 500*1500 data. Now i sort 10 variables.
>"A41" "A48","A489"
Now how can i fetch only these three variable data from original data?
2006 Nov 03
one row matrix
when I assign a one row matrix to another variable, then somehow R
automatically convert that varaible into a list.
For example:
> a = matrix (12, 3, 4)
> b = a[1,]
> b
[1] 12 12 12 12
Is there a way to enable R automatically make b as a one row matrix , rather
than explicitly assign like matrix (b, ncol=1). I have come across a
couple of time, that when I try to check how many rows o...
2009 Aug 31
Probit function
I want to start testing using the MNP probit function in stead of the
lrm function in my current experiment.
I have one dependant label and two independent varaibles.
The lrm is simple
model <- lrm(label ~ val1 + val2)
I tried the same thing with the mnp function and got an error that I
don't understand
model <- mnp(label ~ val1 + val2)
I get back an immediate error that tells me, "The number of alternatives
should be at least 3"