A bump with great hope. Any ideas?
On 6/19/06, Peter Michaux <petermichaux@gmail.com>
wrote:> Hi,
> In my web application, a users browser is divided into more than one
> panel. Each panel is filled with html from an ajax response based on
> what the user would like to view. Perhaps the details of a category
> and it''s associated products in one panel and a list of customer
> orders with the products of each order in another panel. Two panels
> might be the same. Two users may be viewing the same panel.
> The content of a panel may be a form to modify the server database
> records. This may affect the data in the other panels. Several users
> may be viewing or modifying the same data. The data may become stale
> in various panels for various users.
> I would like to keep the displays fresh. In a single server poll, the
> client can ask for fresh displays for all current panels. Doing the
> polling often is fine; however the fresh html response for each panel
> may consist of much html and some of the panels may not be stale. How
> can I send fresh html only for the panels that need updating? I have
> been struggling with ideas to keep track on the server of which views
> have become stale because a particular view may depend on many model
> associations.
> For example, a category has_many products which acts_as_list
> :scope=>:category. If a client is viewing a category and one of the
> product names changes or the order of the list changes or an product
> is deleted then the category view needs updating. This seems to get
> very complicated and I would like to write an easily
> maintainable/expandable Rails app that doesn''t turn into a
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Peter