I am getting an error when attempting to install RailsEditor-0.0.22[.gem]: parse
error on line 0 col 31: ''!ruby/object:Gem::Specification ''
using --local
I downloaded the gem from the site...
My workstation is running Windows XP box with ruby v1.8.2 (2004-12-25)
[i386-mswin32] installed.
if I attempt ''gem install rails --include-dependencies''... I
Local gem file not found: rails*gem
Attempting remote installation of ''rails''
Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
..at which point i''m just waiting...30+ mins with no activity until i
(ctrl-break) the command window...
I am wireless-g at ~54mb through my linksys router to the net. not proxies,
this is a home network, out over my cable modem. All email, webmail, browsing,
ftping works fine...
Any ideas???