On May 23, 2006, at 6:03 PM, zavulon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I''m a Ruby/Rails/web development newbie, so this may be a stupid
> question. I''m putting some links using link_to into my rhtml page,
> creating the layout using the DIV tag:
> <div id="description">
> <%= link_to h (item.description), :action =>
''show'', :id => item.id
> %>
> </div>
> ...
> div#description {
> float: left;
> width: 75%;
> height: 20%;
> }
> If I put regular text in there instead of a link_to, then the text
> appears right next to the border of the div, which is what I want. But
> if I put a link_to in there, it has a huge margin that I don''t
> understand where it''s coming from.
> Another (related) issue that I have, is that if I have two
> link_to''s in
> there, they appear on separate lines. Is there a way to put have
> them on
> the same line?
> Thanks a lot!
Hey Zavulon-
The standard <%= %> tags will always put a newline "\n" in the
stream of text they get evaluated into. In order to not emit a
newline use tags like this: <%= -%> the - tells erb not to put a
newline there.