I currently have a model with (amongst others) the following declarations in it:
has_many :live_action_personnel,
:class_name => "Credit",
:include => :credit_type,
:order => ''credit_types.position,
credits.position ASC'',
:group =>
:conditions =>
has_many :production_personnel,
:class_name => "Credit",
:include => :credit_type,
:order => ''credit_types.position,
credits.position ASC'',
:group =>
:conditions =>
so the association is on ''Credit'' both times, but with a sql
Is this a bad thing to do?
Am I likely to suffer as-yet unknown horrible consequences doing such a thing?
I considered using single table inheritance, but that''s not really much
use because the condition is dependent upon a 2nd order association.
Just wanted to check...
I do things for love or money