2006-May-11 10:14 UTC
[Rails] acts_as_paranoid, aliasing and nested scopes in Rails 1.1
I have a real problem with the acts_as_paranoid plugin. The aliasing of find and so the nested scope does not seem to work at all, when combining it with similar plugins. The description: I made a copy of ''acts_as_paranoid'' in the plugin directory, renamed it to ''acts_as_very_new''(just a nonsense plugin for testing), and simplified the code (original code of acts_as_paranoid can be found here: http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/acts_as_paranoid/lib/caboose/acts/paranoid.rb): #--------------------------------------------------------------BEGIN module VeryNew #... module ClassMethods def acts_as_very_new unless is_very_new? class << self alias_method :find_with_old, :find end end include InstanceMethods end #... end module InstanceMethods #:nodoc: #... module ClassMethods def find(*args) with_very_new_scope { find_with_old(*args) } end protected def with_very_new_scope(&block) with_scope({:find => {:conditions => ["#{table_name}.updated_at > ?", (Time.new - 3.days)]} }, :merge, &block) end end end end #--------------------------------------------------------------END As you can see, there''s no change in structure, it''s the same as the original ''acts_as_paranoid'' only with a different find-condition. Next I added following code to a model: #--------------------------------------------------------------BEGIN class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_paranoid acts_as_very_new #... end #--------------------------------------------------------------END In a controller I did the following calls: Book.find(:all) # SQL: SELECT * FROM books WHERE ((books.updated_at > ''2006-05-08 11:38:33'') AND (books.deleted_at IS NULL)) Book.find_with_old(:all) # SQL: SELECT * FROM books WHERE (books.deleted_at IS NULL) Book.find_with_deleted(:all) # SQL: SELECT * FROM books Isn''t is strange? Shouldn''t "Book.find_with_deleted(:all)" generate a "WHERE (books.updated_at > ''2006-05-08 11:38:33'')" condition? The problem seems to be in aliasing of find. When I switch the call order of "acts_as_paranoid" and "acts_as_very_new" in the model, I get: Book.find(:all) # SQL: SELECT * FROM books WHERE ((books.updated_at > ''2006-05-08 11:38:33'') AND (books.deleted_at IS NULL)) Book.find_with_old(:all) # SQL: SELECT * FROM books Book.find_with_deleted(:all) # SQL: SELECT * FROM books WHERE (books.updated_at > ''2006-05-08 11:38:33'') Has anyone an idea how to fix it? Thanks in advance, Dave -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.