I''ve looked through the messages regarding implementing a ZipCode search and I have a few questions to make sure I have my head wrapped around this. Here''s what I have. I have a database table called zipcodes with the following info (for example) 30310 Atlanta GA 33.727807 -84.41983 -5 1 That''s zip, city, state, latitude, longitude, timezone, and dst. So when a user comes to my site and they enter in an zip code, I want it to find all stores within a 20 mile radius of the zip code entered. The database also includes a table called stores. Address, City, State, and Zip Code. The SQL I''ve found to do this is as follow: @places = Place.find_by_sql ["select p.* from places p where ((3963.0 * acos(sin(p.latitude/57.2958) * sin(?/57.2958) + cos(p.latitude/57.2958) * cos(?/57.2958) * cos(?/57.2958 - p.longitude/57.2958))) < ?)", lat, lat, lon, distance] I''m assuming I just modify this SQL to select all the store information from the database table stores and join it on the zip code database table using the zip code table latitude, longitude, and 20 (for distance). Right? -- Posted via ruby-forum.com.