Hi I was wondering what people advised as the best way to run multiple rails apps under one banner? For example, I''ve got a basic tagging/bookmarking app, and I''d like to add, say, forum and wiki functionality. As far as I can see, I could: 1) bundle the other rails apps in with mine in the one project, creating a "superapp" of sorts. Problem with this though is sustainability, updates etc 2) run separate apps. But then I get a problem with site wide design maintenance and more importantly users having to login twice And there may well be better options, 3, 4, 5 and onwards. I had a look at http://home.leetsoft.com/opinion/wiki and that has a tantalising controller for remote login for the forum software, but I can;t see enough documentation to understand how it would work. Any suggestions for how to integrate multiple rails apps, either in general or in the opinion case would be really very much appreciated Thanks Piers -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.