Example of what works. Convert for your needs.
in tags_controller.rb
def info
@name = params[:name]
@tag = Tag.find(:first, :conditions => "name =
in info.rhtml
<% for @item in @tag.tagged %>
<%= render :partial => "render_item" %>
<% end %>
in the partial _render_item.rhtml
<br /><%= @ item.name -%>
<br /><%= @ item.description -%>
On 4/28/06, will <willwithskills@hotmail.com>
wrote:> Ahoy, having a bit of difficulty w/ the acts as taggable GEM.
> I was able to create a tagcloud, but now i want to filter items by tags.
> in my controller i have
> def show_tagged_with
> <-- snip snip -->
> @items = Item.find_tagged_with( :any => params[:tag_name])
> @categories = Category.find_all
> @tag_name = params[:tag_name]
> @tagged_items = Item.tags_count(:limit => 100)
> end
> IN the VIEW
> <% @items.each do |item| %>
> <%= render :partial => ''list_stripes'', :locals
=> { :item => item } %>
> <% end %>
> Where the partial _list_stripes.rthml is a list of items
> <td><%=h item.tag_names.join(" ") %></td>
> <td><%=h item.created_on %></td>
> <td><%=h item.category.name %></td>
> But i get an error
> "undefined method `tag_names'' for
> any ideas?
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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Jon Gretar Borgthorsson