search for: tags_count

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "tags_count".

2005 Sep 06
acts_as_taggable v4 - Tag Counting Anyone?
ThereĀ“s already a new version of the acts_as_taggable mixin available and look what it is capable of now: # Gets the top 10 tags for all photos Photo.tags_count :limit => 10 # => { ''beer'' => 68, ''wine'' => 37, ''vodka'' => ''22'', ... } # Gets the tags count that are greater than 30 Photo.tags_count :count => ''> 30'' # => { ''beer''...
2006 Apr 01
acts_as_taggable, wrong number of arguments
Hello, When I try: @tagged_items = Problem.find_tagged_with :all => ''kuba'' or @tagged_items = Problem.tags_count :limit => 100 I get this error: ArgumentError in Volume#index wrong number of arguments (2 for 3) RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_taggable-1.0.4/lib/taggable.rb:244:in `add_limit!'...
2006 Apr 04
How to implement tag clouds using plugin?
The code on is based on the acts_as_taggable gem,anybody has done that using the acts_as_taggable plugin?thanks! btw:the code above uses the tag_count method,which is defined in the gem: def tags_count(options = {}) options = {:order => ''count DESC''}.merge(options) o, t, o_pk, o_fk, t_pk, t_fk = table_name, tag_model.table_name, primary_key, taggable_foreign_key, tag_model.primary_key, tag_foreign_key jt = tags_join_model ?
2006 Apr 26
acts_as_taggable gem: deleting tags
I have the following quick-and-dirty hack in my model: def after_destroy # search for orphaned tags and delete them orphans = Resource.tags_count :count => ''= 0'' orphans.keys.each {|tag| Tags.find_by_name(''tag'').destroy} end It''s nice from a readable code perspective, but it seems inefficient - is there some way to do this with only one query? martin
2006 Apr 28
acts_as_taggable help
...e a tagcloud, but now i want to filter items by tags. in my controller i have def show_tagged_with <-- snip snip --> @items = Item.find_tagged_with( :any => params[:tag_name]) @categories = Category.find_all @tag_name = params[:tag_name] @tagged_items = Item.tags_count(:limit => 100) end IN the VIEW <% @items.each do |item| %> <%= render :partial => ''list_stripes'', :locals => { :item => item } %> <% end %> Where the partial _list_stripes.rthml is a list of items <td><%=h item.tag_names.join(&quo...
2006 Mar 28
add_limit (in acts_as_taggable) breaks in 1.1, solution?
Upgraded from Rails 1.0 to 1.1 and found that the (slightly modified) acts_as_taggable plugin breaks. The line add_limit!(sql, options) (in the tags_count method) causes this error wrong number of arguments (2 for 3) The documentation still says it takes two args, so I''m not sure what''s wrong. Adding"SQL here: " + sql)"Options here:" + options.inspect) before the add_limit! ca...
2006 Mar 21
SQL bug in acts_as_taggable
Hi, excuse me if this is off-topic and feel free to ingore it in case. I''m using acts_as_taggable (the gem version) and found what to me looks like a bug in this code from the method tags_count: sql = "SELECT #{t}.#{t_pk} AS id, #{t}.name AS name, COUNT (*) AS count FROM #{jt}, #{o}, #{t} WHERE #{jt}.#{t_fk} = #{t}.#{t_pk} AND #{jt}.#{o_fk} = #{o}.#{o_pk}" sql << " AND #{sanitize_sql(options[:conditions])}" if options[:c...
2006 Jun 22
acts_as_taggable gem problems
...r by freq desc'' End tags/list.rb: <ul> <% @tags.each do |t| %> <li><%= t.freq %> <%= %></li> <% end %> </ul> According to the acts_as_taggable gem rdocs (ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::ClassMethods) I should be using Issues.tags_count, but I get a NoMethodError. Any ideas? This doesn''twork in the console either. (I''ve since opened up taggable.rb and taken a look at the sql involved. I have figured out the sql to do this in MS SQLserver to give me the correct results, but this still doesn''t solve...