I have the following problem, my pagination links do not work.
At the bottom of my blog the links say: http://myblog/?page=2, ?page=3,
But they don''t seem to work. When I add the name of the controller,
work: http://myblog/log?page=2.
Any suggestions?
I made a new route like this:
map.connect "page/:page",
:controller => "log",
:action => "index"
That does work, but you have to enter the route first in the browser:
http://myblog/page/2, after that the links work great. But when I reload
index page, the links at the bottom again say http://myblog/?page=2.
How can change this so they also say http://myblog/page/2 on my index
Any help would be great.
Maarten Hendrikx
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.