I have a link: <%= link_to ''delete'', :action => ''destroy'', :id => u(string_id) %> Helper method ''u()'' can encode a string to URL encoding, but I don''t know which method can decode it? I want to used in controller. I have not seen it in Rails''s document. Thanks, - Li Jie
Li Jie wrote:> I have a link: > <%= link_to ''delete'', :action => ''destroy'', :id => u(string_id) %> > > Helper method ''u()'' can encode a string to URL encoding, but I don''t > know which method can decode it? I want to used in controller. I have > not seen it in Rails''s document.---------------------------------------------------------- CGI::unescape CGI::unescape(string) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ URL-decode a string. string = CGI::unescape("%27Stop%21%27+said+Fred") # => "''Stop!'' said Fred" (you will need require ''cgi'' in your controller) regards Justin