On Apr 18, 2006, at 15:14, Yash wrote:
> Hi,
> I have @result_pages and @results obtained from paginate in an
> action. I
> want to show the pages as
> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >
> The fifth page will show:
> < 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 >
> and so on.
> How exactly do I render the paginator to give this effect? I guess I
> will have to use pagination_links_each. But being new to Rails, I need
I wrote this helper for an application where pagination and ordering
were done through Ajax:
# Returns the links to pages for paginated listings.
def pagination_links_remote(options={})
paginator = options[:paginator]
actions = []
1.upto(paginator.page_count) do |n|
if paginator[n] == paginator.current_page
actions << n.to_s
options[:url][:page] = n
actions << link_to_remote(n.to_s, options)
"[ #{actions.join('' | '')} ]"
It was invoked this way:
<% if @employee_pages.page_count > 1 %>
<% pagination_links_remote(
:paginator => @employee_pages,
:update => ''listing'',
:url => {
:action => ''listing'',
:order_by => @current_order_by,
:direction => @current_direction,
<% end %>
As you see some details come from the usage I wanted, but that''s the
-- fxn