Chris Schumann wrote:> Hey all,
> I''m rather new to Ruby and Rails (and not great with SQL), but
> developing a ride sharing app and would like to be able to sort on
> something I don''t have stored.
> I have users, events, and rides, each of which has a zip code. Events
> have_many rides, and rides belong_to events.
> When an event is selected, I''d like to be able to show a list of
> to that event, sorted by distance from the logged-in user.
> What are some ways to do that? Here''s what I can think of:
> - Make a new find_and_sort method that adds a new @distance member
> element and sorts the new collection. Would something like this work?
> def find_and_sort(event_id)
> @rides = Ride.find(:all, :conditions => {"event_id = ?",
> for ride in @rides
> ride.newdistance = distance_between_zips(session[:user].zip_code,
> Event.find(event_id).zip_code);
> end
> uhm.... sort @rides by newdistance
> end
> What if I want to also remove items from @rides before they are
> displayed if that newdistance is too large or some other condition?
> uhm... I''m stumped, I guess. That''s why I''m
here. :)
OK. Can''t do that.
But I should be able to overload <=>
So in my ride model, could I do this?
def self.<=>(other)
distance_between_zips(session[:user].zip_code, self.zip_code)
<=> distance_between_zips(session[:user].zip_code, other.zip_code)
Except... wow. Calling sort on the list means like n*log(n) comparisons,
and each compare calls the distance function twice, and each of those
has five trig functions... so a list of 100 rides would take 2000 trig
calls. Easy peasy!
Oh... do ActiveRecord objects mixin Comparable?
Comments please!
Chris S