I''m trying to make a live search for my site. Nothing is working, and I''m getting a javascript error that says "Form is not defined", but I don''t think that''s my only problem. This is my view: <%= form_remote_tag( :url => {:controller => ''inventory'', :action => ''search''}, :update => "results" )%> <input type="text" id="search" name="search" size="40" value="" /> <img id="loading" src="/images/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." style="display: none;" /> <% end_form_tag %> <%= observe_field( ''search'', :frequency => 0.5, :url => {:controller => ''inventory'', :action => ''search''}, :update => :results, :loading => "Element.show(''loading'');", :complete => "Element.hide(''loading'');", :with => "''search='' + escape($F(''search''))" ) %> <div id="results"></div> Here''s my controller: def search if @params[''search''] @items = Content.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''LOWER(post) LIKE ? or LOWER(title) LIKE ?'', ''%'' + @params[''search''].downcase + ''%'', ''%'' + @params[''search''].downcase + ''%''], :order => "id desc") @mark_term = @params[''search''] render_without_layout end end This might be way off, but I''m trying to follow examples and what I *think* might work. I can''t get anything at all so far, though. Can someone please help me out??? Thanks! -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.