Imagine a crud app that tracks people applying for a loan, here is the
layout I have:
Mysql database:
create table apps (
id int auto_increment primary key,
primary_id int not null,
secondary_id int null,
constraint fk_primary_id foreign key(primary_id) references (,
constraint fk_secondary_id foreign key(secondary_id) references
create table contacts (
Id int auto_increment primary key,
Name char not null,
Date_of_birth date not null)
class App < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :primary,
:class_name => "Contact",
:foreign_key => "primary_id"
belongs_to :secondary,
:class_name => "Contact",
:foreign_key => "secondary_id"
class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :apps_issued,
:class_name => "App",
:foreign_key => "primary_id"
has_many :apps,
:class_name => "App",
:foreign_key => "secondary_id"
I have controllers to edit contacts individually and as a whole application.
When I look at the controller Contact from a browser and select a contact to
edit I get the proper form up on screen and this section:
<label for="contact_date_of_birth"><b>Date of birth:
<%= date_select ''contact'',
''date_of_birth'', :start_year => 1900 %>
Returns 3 drop downs that are auto populated with the contacts dob in the
Now when I go to the /App controller and get my list, I have a custom find
the basically looks like this:
def edit
@app = App.find(params[:id],
:joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts ON LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts AS secondary ON
:select => ", as primary_name,
contacts.date_of_birth as primary_date_of_birth, as
secondary_name, secondary.date_of_birth as secondary_date_of_birth")
This line in my _edit.rhtml:
<label for="app_primary_date_of_birth"><b>Date of birth:
<%= date_select ''app'',
''primary_date_of_birth'', :start_year => 1900 %>
Showing app/views/app/_edit.rhtml where line #36 raised:
undefined method `year'' for "1993-02-05":String
date_helper.rb:222:in `select_year''
date_helper.rb:275:in `to_date_select_tag_without_error_wrapping''
date_helper.rb:274:in `to_date_select_tag_without_error_wrapping''
active_record_helper.rb:170:in `to_date_select_tag''
date_helper.rb:80:in `date_select''
So I guess the question of the century is what is done to the date of birth
when the Contact controller accesses it with the default find(:all) that is
not being done to it when I do my custom find that results in the error?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.