This has happened to me a few times .... just add a :select to be safe
entities = Entity.find(:all,
:conditions => [...omited...],
:joins => "as e inner join postcodes as pc on
substring_index(e.postcode,'' '', 1) = pc.outer_part ",
:select=>''e.*'' )
Steven Beales
Chief Software Engineer
Medical Decision Logic
724 Dulaney Valley Road
"Martin Smith" <> wrote
in message> The Problem
> -----------
> After using a join in my find the id attributes set in my Entity objects
> are wrong! It is setting the Entity id to the value from Postcode id!
> The Code
> --------
> entities = Entity.find(:all,
> :conditions => [...omited...],
> :joins => "as e inner join postcodes as pc on
> substring_index(e.postcode,'' '', 1) = pc.outer_part "
> Produces the folowing SQL
> -------------------------
> SELECT * FROM entities as e inner join postcodes as pc on
> substring_index(e.postcode,'' '', 1) = pc.outer_part WHERE
> = 4 and pc.metres_x >= 367400.0 and pc.metres_x <= 399400.0 and
> pc.metres_y >= 380600.0 and pc.metres_y <= 412600.0)
> --
> Posted via