On 2/18/06, Akbar <akbarhome@gmail.com> wrote:> Hi,
> I want to install date picker from datebox.inimit.com.
> $ ruby script/plugin install datebox_engine
> Plugin not found: datebox_engine
> So I browse the website and download the universal file. It is in zip
> format. I extract it and here is the content:
> calendar-blue2.css calendar-green.css calendar-system.css
> calendar-win2k-2.css dateparse.js lang
> calendar-blue.css calendar-setup_stripped.js calendar-tas.css
> calendar-win2k-cold-1.css iconCalendar.gif skins
> calendar-brown.css calendar_stripped.js calendar-win2k-1.css
> calendar-win2k-cold-2.css index.html
> How do I install this into my application?
> Thank you.
I think the datebox_engine is still slightly bleeding edge.
I got it working yesterday in my app but it took some persistence.
The release engine_plugin (1.0.6) does not support the datebox_engine.
I had to install the engine_plugin from the trunk via svn
See http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/54572#new for more details on trunk
I was able to install the datebox engine via "ruby script/plugin
install datebox_engine". Not sure why that is not working for you.
You may have to do a "ruby script/plugin discover" first.
Once I followed the readme and got it basically working I still had
trouble getting it to update my database field. I also had trouble
getting multiple dateboxes on a single form. I solved my issue and
posted about it at:
See the last (4th) entry in the thread.
Greg Freemyer
The Norcross Group
Forensics for the 21st Century