I am not sure, but perhaps this is a situation where one would use
On 17-Feb-06, at 1:25 PM, William LeFevre wrote:
> I''m creating a simple portfolio site for a painter. I have a
> and an image model with following relationship:
> Painting
> has_many :images
> Image
> belongs_to :painting
> On the edit screen the user can edit the Painting data as well as
> upload
> pictures for a thumbnails and full size image. The Image model
> extracts
> filename, width, and height from the uploaded file, saves those to the
> database and saves the uploaded file to disk. For the Image I''m
> some custom validation so I''ve overridden validate().
> My problem is that, though Image is correctly validating, a failed
> validation is not propigating up to the Painting. If Image is invalid,
> it is not saved but Painting is and none of the errors are propigated
> back to the view. My assumption is that the Painting would look for
> errors in the images array and not save if one was found. It looks
> like
> that assumption is wrong.
> Can any one tell me how validation works with a has_many
> relationship? Can anyone suggest a technique for making this work?
> Here''s hopefully the relevant parts of the code:
> Admin Controller
> def update
> # straight forward update of the attributes
> if @painting.update_attributes(params[:painting])
> flash[:notice] = @painting.name + '' was successfully
> # User has the choice to save and redisplay the screen
> # Or save and go to the next Painting
> if params[:commit] == ''Save''
> redirect_to :action => ''edit'', :id =>
> else
> redirect_to :action => ''edit'', :id =>
> end
> else
> #there was a problem updating the record
> @heading = "Painting Editor"
> render :action => ''edit'', :id => @params[:id]
> end
> end
> painting model
> has_many :images
> def thumbnail=(uploaded_image)
> # form has a file upload field named painting[:thumbnail]
> add_image_by_size(uploaded_image, THUMBNAIL)
> end
> private
> def add_image_by_size(file, image_size)
> if existing_image = get_image_by_size(image_size) then
> if existing_image.uploaded_file?(file, image_size)
> existing_image.save
> else
> #handle the fact that it didn''t save
> end
> else
> # a new image is being associated with the painting
> image = Image.new
> image.uploaded_file(file, image_size)
> self.images << image
> end
> end
> image model
> belongs_to :painting
> def validate
> # this validates fine but the error is not being acted upon by the
> painting
> # nor is it being displayed to the user
> if self.size == THUMBNAIL then
> unless self.width == DIMENSIONS[:thumbnail][:width] then #
> simplified
> errors.add_to_base("Thumbnails must by #{DIMENSIONS
> [:thumbnail][:width]} by #{DIMENSIONS[:thumbnail][:height]} pixels.")
> end
> end
> end
> Thank you,
> William
> --
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