I am using acts_as_taggable in my application and on the tagging side of things, no problem at all. Running edge Rails and PostgreSQL 8.1. I am then trying to find all my AR objects with a certain tag. The tag is: lasvegas and I know that there are at least 3 records with that tag. So, I''m doing this: @lists = List.find_tagged_with :any => @search_string, :separator => ''+'' The problem is that the SQL generated looks like this: SELECT lists.* FROM lists, tags, taggings WHERE lists.id taggings.taggable_id AND taggings.taggable_type = ''List'' AND taggings.tag_id = tags.id AND tags.name IN (''anylasvegas'', ''separator+'') See what''s right after the IN clause? It says ''anylasvegas'' - why? BTW, using ''lasvegas'' returns the correct results. I used the :any symbol in the finder per the instructions and all the permutations I tried to get rid of it just gave me syntax errors, etc... So, am I doing something wrong or what? Thanks, HH