I have a form with some text_field and some drop down lists. <input id="student_fname" name="student[fname]" size="20" value="" type="text"> <input id="student_mname" name="student[mname]" size="20" value="" type="text"> <input id="student_lname" name="student[lname]" size="20" value="" type="text"> Program:</dt><dd><select id="student_program_id" name="student[program_id]"> <%= options_from_collection_for_select @programs, "id", "prg_name", @student.program_id %> </select> I am not able to use validates_presence_of in the model whenever I am including this options_from_collection_for_select list. If I remove that it checks for the presence of the field. Otherwise, it gives me the following error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while evaluating nil.inject Extracted source (around line #18): 17: <dt>Program:</dt><dd><select id="student_program_id" name="student[program_id]"> 18: <%= options_from_collection_for_select @programs, "id", "prg_name", @student.program_id %> 19: </select> 20: 21: </dl> What is the reason for this? Any help appreciated. Thanks Silvy Mathews