Hello again. I can get my input forms doing what I want using the '':index => object_counter'' syntax which is very nice. However, the Ajax text_input_with_auto_complete seem not to be able to account for the :index. I can see in the source why this is the case. I have a workaround that is an ugly kludge. I am wondering if there is any less-ugly kludge that I can try. Again, I would like to do <%= text_input_with_auto_complete :timecode, :timecodedesc, :index => timecode_counter %> but instead have to do this mess <%= text_field "timecode", "timecodedesc", :index => timedetail_counter %> <div class="auto_complete" id="timecode_<%timedetail_counter.to_s%>_timecodedesc_auto_complete"> </div> <%= auto_complete_field ''timecode_'' + timedetail_counter.to_s + ''_timecodedesc'', :update => ''timecode_'' + timedetail_counter.to_s + ''_timecodedesc_auto_complete'', :url => ''/timecard/auto_complete_timecodedesc'' %> where /timecard/auto_complete_timecodedesc is a simple lookup which ignores the index (since there is only one field being updated at a time) and returns the required unnumbered list. If this is the "easiest" way to do this, could I not write my own "text_input_with_auto_complete" that accounts for indexes and put it in /vendor or something? Thank you in advance.... - Ian