On 17.1.2006, at 18.44, Will Briggs wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a a really, really dumb Newb question... I am trying to use
> observe_form to use AJAX calls in order to refresh a particular
> page fragment using the form data.
> I have run into a stumbling block very early on in the process -
> how can I provide an ''id'' attribute to the
form_remote_tag or
> start_form_tag methods? Specifying something like :id =>
> doesn''t appear to add an ID attribute in the generated HTML. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated!
You need to separate the html id => ... part into its own
html_options hash:
<%= start_form_tag({ :action => "edit", :id => @article },
{:id =>
"article_form", :enctype => "multipart/form-data"}) %>
> Thanks,
> Will
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Jarkko Laine
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