On 1/14/06, Kavika Vollmar <kavika@the-dave.com>
wrote:> All,
> I am on Mac OS X 10.4, went through all the installation steps for mysql
> and ruby on rails. Now, I am getting this error when
> trying to start webrick or when trying to create the tables:
> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/
> connection_adapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:73:in
> `establish_connection'': development database is not
> configured (ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified)
> I am using the following database.yml file (passwords replaced with *):
> development:
> adapter: mysql
> host: localhost
> database: depot_development
> username: root
> password: ********
> test:
> adapter: mysql
> host: localhost
> database: depot_test
> username: root
> password: ****
> production:
> adapter: mysql
> host: localhost
> database: depot_production
> username: root
> password: *****
> Please help!!!
Double-check your database.yml file against the example one.
Whitespace is significant in YAML files, so make sure you don''t have
any trailing spaces, or mixtures of tab characters and spaces, etc,
etc. Your text editor may be doing some strange replacements on your