Marcus Mitchell
2006-Jan-12 11:16 UTC
[Rails] Testing ''create'' from multipart/form-data submission
good morning forum! :) i''m looking to test the creation of a record from the submission of a form with content-type="multipart/form-data" (uploading an image into a BLOB field), currently i''m using a small binary string to simulate this but for thoroughness i want to provide the test with a path to an image on my filesystem and have it populate the db correctly...any idea what the syntax for posting a form this way is?? (current code below) def test_create num_images = Image.count post(:create, {:image => { ''item_id'' => 203, ''primary_image'' => 0, ''data_orig'' => ''01010101'', ''data_medium'' => ''01010101'', ''data_thumb'' => ''01010101'', ''content_type'' => ''image/jpg'', ''comment'' => ''this is a comment''}}) assert_response( :redirect ) assert_redirected_to :action => ''list'' assert_equal num_images + 1, Image.count end many thanks, Marcus -- Posted via