Good to know, thank you.
I figured I''d miss the surrounding parameters, but in this case I
think it''s worth it. I''ve got Loggers set up to throw more
descriptive errors when stuff goes boom. The application is an online
chat tool with a bazillion automated ajax requests. Figured it was
either turn down the per-request or I''d be running log cleanings
every hour.
On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:48 PM, Tom Fakes wrote:
> By default, the logging level in production is ''info''.
If you
> raise this to
> ''warn'', the per-request spew goes away.
> In your ''config/environments/production.rb:
> config.log_level = :warn
> One problem with this is that, when an error occurs, you will have
> missed
> the action and its parameters being logged - you''ll only get the
> error stack
> trace.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Doane
> Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 7:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Rails] Lowering Logging Sensitivity
> Is there a way to reduce logging when in production? I''m not
> interested in the items that return status 200. I would like to limit
> the production logs to simply application errors and
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