Sam Joseph
2005-Dec-16 00:43 UTC
auto_link fails to handle tilda''s (~) and markdown fails to handle acute accent (`)
Hi There, So I was just having some trouble with auto_link and markdown. Specfically auto_link was failing to handle urls with tildas in them (~) e.g. and markdown couldn''t handle an acute accent (`) e.g. Hawai`i It seems that acute accents (or backticks) in Markdown signify code segments, and it seems there''s an open ticket for this: However, regarding auto_link I found where I could fix this in actionpack-1.11.0\lib\action_view\helpersTextHelper.rb changing the following line: ([\w]+[=?&\/.-]?)* # url segment to this ([\w~]+[=?&\/.-]?)* # url segment I can see that there are a number of tickets relating to auto_link: However I am unclear how to submit this as a fix. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I''d also appreciate any pointers on how to run the TextHelper tests to ensure I haven''t broken anything else CHEERS> SAM
Possibly Parallel Threads
- problem with ruby gem activate when trying to run actionpack tests
- BlueCloth throws exceptions! Be careful! (was: auto_link fails to handle tilda''s (~) and markdown fails to handle acute accent (`))
- Patch to fix docs for auto_link
- auto_link generating error (nil.gsub) in functional test
- How do I format text before saving it?