Nickolay Kolev wrote:
> I want to do it with arbitrary category nesting this time--a category
> can have a subcategory, this on the other hand can have other
> subcategories and so on. Only categories that have no other
> subcategories can hold products. So far, so good:
> class Category < AR:B
> acts_as_tree
> has_many :products
> end
> class Product < AR:B
> belongs_to :category
> end
I''d suggest either having a separate LeafCategory model (which shares
Category model''s ids (no auto_increment), to which the product belongs,
and which itself belongs to the Category model), or alternatively have
a field in the Category model designating that category as a leaf category.
> But how do I prevent users from entering products in categories that
> have subcategories? Also, how do I present the user with an interface
> for selecting the parent category in the new-product form? Nested
> select elements perhaps (one select with all the ''root''
> selecting a root category triggers the appearance of another select
> element with its subcategories and so on until the last selected
> category has no more children)?
I''ve written a combination of a helper and an AJAXified component
that implements chained selects for category selection. You just
put a call to the helper in a form in your view:
category_selector( object, method, options = {}, html_options = {} )
<%= category_selector( :product, :category_id,
{:model => :product_category, :all => true, :on_change =>
{:controller => ''store'', :action =>
:class => ''catsel'' ) %>
The :all option specifies whether the selected category (is put in a hidden
must be a leaf category, or whether non-leaf ("all
categories"/"all subcategories")
can be selected.
It seems to be working fine, but I wasn''t planning to release it until
I had
tested it further and implemented an indication that communication with the
server was in progress.
I also wanted to have a different mode of operation, specified in the
helper options, in which the whole category tree is loaded into JavaScript
so the appearance and disappearance of select levels is virtually instantaneous
after an initial load time. You could even get the helper to automatically
choose the best method based on the size of the category tree and the speed
and latency of the link.
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