ok, we have in mind a very specific way how we would like to build
websites (using some framework).
here´s the description:
basically, we´d like to split a site into boxes (div-structures) and
elements (content). then, we´d like the administrator (or editor) of a
site to recombine the whole thing.
hope anyone can help.
Am 02.12.2005 um 15:19 schrieb Paul Vudmaska:
> In response to :
>>> From: patrick k
>>> Subject: Re: [Rails] templates and partials
>>> maybe i need components.
> Maybe :P
> If you want you''re view to tell your controller somthing -
you''ll have
> to render the view first then click on something rendered that goes
> and gets your interview. Something like, in your view.
> <div id=''update''></div>
> <%=link_to_remote ''Get Interview'',
> :url => {:controller => :interview, :action => :get ,
> :update => ''update''%>
> Maybe then you can tell the controller from the view?
> If not I''d propose you send along a concrete example of what you
> trying to accomplish.
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