To make a method in a controller a helper method, use the helper_method, as in:
helper_method :some_method
Here is the api page:
This will only make it available in a controller and view though.
Perhaps you should create a library and stick it in the lib directory
if it must be in both controllers and models.
On 10/12/05, Patrick McCafferty
wrote:> I want a method to be accessible from everywhere in my app (it''s a
> RNG) - I''ve already put them as protected methods in
application.rb but that
> would only allow them to be accessed from controllers.
> I have a method in a model that needs access to this too, and I''d
> not performing the calculations outside the model. Copying the method
> definition into the model violates DRY, but I don''t see any
"helper" files
> for models. Is there some place to put this, or am I stuck putting it in a
> module and requiring it everywhere? (require nexus_helpers?)
> Thanks.
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