search for: helper_method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 56 matches for "helper_method".

2009 Jun 05
rails 2.3.2
...gged_in_user = User.find(session[:user]) if session[:user] end def logged_in_user return @logged_in_user if is_logged_in? end def logged_in_user=(user) if !user.nil? session[:user] = @logged_in_user = user end end def self.included(base) base.send :helper_method, :is_logged_in?, :is_admin?, :logged_in_user end end This does work under RAILS 2.1.1, but not under 2.3.2 It says: undefined method `is_logged_in?'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x78cf044> Cheers P. -- Posted via
2005 Mar 10
Login controller additions
I have added roles and roles_users table and updated the model so that my users can have multiple roles. ("Admin" role does always have id = 1). I have added these methods to my application controller. <code> helper_method :is_admin? helper_method :is_user? def is_admin? if @session[''user''] @session[''user''].roles.find(1) else false end end def is_user? !@session[''user''].nil? end </code> The problem is t...
2008 Nov 10
to_xml and helper methods
Hi, I have an array with objects and I want to generate an XML like: <objects> <object> <category_id>1</category_id> <helper-method>result 1</helper-method> </object> <object> <category_id>2</category_id> <helper-method>result 2</helper-method> </object> </objects> The helper
2008 Jun 13
before_filter order of execution than 2 can view specific objects. My code is: ----------------------------------------------------------- IN USER_CONTROLLER before_filter :login_required before_filter :access_granted, :only => [:destroy, :new , :edit] IN APPLICATION.RB def logged_in? ! @current_user.blank? end helper_method :logged_in? def login_required return true if logged_in? session[:return_to] = request.request_uri redirect_to :controller => "/account", :action => "login" and return false end def access_granted if @current_user.blank? return false else...
2006 Mar 27
Define methods for controllers, helper AND models?
Hi all I know that I can define methods in e.g. the application controller and make them available to the helpers using helper_method(), but how can I make them available in the models? I have for example the following method, that I want to be able to call from any model I wish... def ApplicationController helper_method :member def member session[:member] end end Thanks for any help. :-) Joshua -- Posted via ht...
2006 Jun 27
embedding ruby code in a [flash :notice]
The ruby code in this isn''t evaluated... flash[:notice] = "Your last recorded entry was <%= @in_out.time_in %> <br />You are currently marked as ''In'', you probably want to check ''Out''" Is there a way? Craig
2006 Jun 24
Newbie Q: "user" variable in every view?
Newbie to RoR -- as a long time Java Struts/etc. guy it is an awesome tool! I have implemented some basic login/session stuff with the help of a great tutorial, props to the author ( I have a trivial instance method in ApplicationController, which just grabs the User object from the session. def current_user session[:user] end
2006 May 31
undefined method `redirect_to''
Hi all I have followed this tute: to get rails running and all is fine except for getting: undefined method `redirect_to'' when I load my test page. I have the following in my xx.rhtml: <%= select :group, :user_id, find_all_groups, {}, {:onclick => select_group, :size => find_all_groups.size + 1}
2006 Jun 27
Can''t call public application.rb method from ERb template
All, I have a left navigation partial that I want to dynamically generate CSS classes for based on the current controller action. In my ERb template, I have <DIV class="<%= get_menu_display_style(''login_form'') %>"> In application.rb, I have the method get_menu_display_style defined as: public def get_menu_display_style(action_requested)
2011 Apr 05
Rails 3.0.5 gives SQLite3::SQLException for the same code that works on 3.0.3
Hello, I recently updated Rails to 3.0.5. The very same code that worked on 3.0.3 now gives error. The code is: def kategorialista Kategoria.where(:elfogadva => TRUE).order("nev").collect {|s| [s.nev, s.sefuri]} end It is in application_controller.rb with helper_method :kategorialista The error it gives on 3.0.5: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: kategoria: SELECT "kategoria".* FROM "kategoria" WHERE "kategoria"."elfogadva" = ''t'' ORDER BY nev Obviously there is no such table as kategoria, but there i...
2007 Dec 05
render :update and controller private methods
Probably asked and answered, but... Why are controller private methods inaccessible inside the block passed to render :update ? This does not work: class MyController < ApplicationController def some_action render :update do |page| page.replace_html ''an_element'', some_private_method end end private def some_private_method return
2011 Jun 09
Fail to call
Hi, I''m trying create a user system for a future project but I have a problem when I want give to my users the "Welcome". This is my code: #application_controller class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery helper_method :current_user private def current_user_session return @current_user_session if defined?(@current_user_session) @current_user_session = UserSession.find end def current_user @current_user = current_user_session && current_user_session.user end end #welcome_controller c...
2006 Jun 28
Getting name of currently rendering ERb template in view?
If I''m writing code in a template and I want to refer to the name of the template itself so that I can pass it to a helper method, is there a built-in variable (like controller_name or action_name) that I can use. Assume x.rhtml and in this template I have helper_method(). I want to pass "x.rhtml" into helper_method without hardcoding it. Do I have access to the _currently rendering_ template name? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2006 May 02
Sharing function between helper and controller
Hi, I have a utility function repeated in both my helper and my controller. Not DRY. I have this repetition because other functions in the helper and in the controller both use the utility function. Where do I put this function so that both the helper and controller can access the function? Mayber there is a different solution? Thanks, Peter
2006 May 08
MVC newbie question
All, Is it possible for a view to call back to a controller method? If so, what is the syntax? === details I have a list view that I want to filter out inactive rows based on several table fields being zero, old, etc. It would seem I should create a "filtered" method in the controller (which I have done). Then invoke if from the view like: for row in @rows continue if row.filtered
2005 Dec 19
Application.rb / Application_Helper.rb / DRY help
Hi all, I have defined the following method in both application.rb and application_helper.rb: def still_logged_in? !session[:user_id].nil? end This method is called in a before_filter in my application.rb, as well as in my layout/application.rhtml and view/user/login.rhtml (for showing a login / logout button, etc.) I had to put it both places, otherwise I would get an
2005 Dec 19
Where to put code - app controller, or app helper?
I have a function i want to be used in both views and controllers: def year_to_fiscal_year(year) # converts, say, an integer 2003 into ''0304'' year.to_s[2,2] << (year+1).to_s[2,2] end Where should i put it ? -- Posted via
2011 Mar 09
undefined method `flunk' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1:0x0000000516bd40>
I''m running into an issue using ONLY rspec version 1.3.3 (no rails / rspec-rails with this project) where i''m hitting the following error: My code looks like this: describe Win32Meterpreter before :all helper_method end def helper_method ## If a session came back, try to interact with it. if @session @session.load_stdapi else flunk "Couldn''t get a session!" end end en...
2005 Oct 12
Global helper method?
I want a method to be accessible from everywhere in my app (it''s a Gaussian RNG) - I''ve already put them as protected methods in application.rb but that would only allow them to be accessed from controllers. I have a method in a model that needs access to this too, and I''d prefer not performing the calculations outside the model. Copying the method definition into the
2009 Oct 28
Authlogic Page View Authentication Help
Hi: I am a newbie at ROR, and I am grasping my head around Authlogic. I am having hard time trying to figure out how can I do the following: in my application controller I have the following helpers: filter_parameter_logging :password, :password confirmattion helper_method :all private def current_user_session return @current_user_session if defined? (@current_user_session) @current_user_session = UserSession.find end def current_user return @current_user if defined?(@current_user) @current_user = current_user_s...