I''m just starting out with Rails and Ruby. I have the Agile book and Pickaxe on order, but have a question for a test project on which I''m working. I''d appreciate any information or feedback available. I have a "teams" table and a "players" table. Teams has_many players and Players belongs_to team. I have a list view which shows all of the players. I have the list method in the controller sorting the players by team, then name. I''d like to display them in the view as follows: Team 1 Name: player 1 player 2 player 3 Team 2 Name: player 4 player 5 player 6 To do it, I''ve added the following to the player list view: <% lastTeam = "" %> <% for player in @players %> <% if player.team.name != lastTeam %> <% lastTeam = player.team.name %> <!-- Show Team Name (e.g., "Header") --> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h1><%= link_to player.team.name, :controller => ''teams'', :action => ''show'', :id => player.team.id %></h1> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- Header Row for player (once per team). --> <th>Player Name</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> <% end %> <!-- The detail row for each player goes here. --> <% end %> This works, but I''m not sure it is exactly the Rails way. I did it this way because I have done it in the past for other languages/frameworks in the past (ColdFusion, JSP, etc.). In looking at it, though, it seems like it doesn''t exactly fit the "Rails Way". I suppose that there might be a better way that is more in keeping with the Rails philosophy. Some thoughts that occurred to me: 1. Create a helper to display the information, but that seems like it might just move the HTML out to the helper. 2. Iterate over the teams (unique teams for the list of players), and get the players for that team, kind of like this pseudo-code: for team in unique_teams_with_players display team header for players in team display player information end end 3. Use some existing capabilities of which I am ignorant because I''m just starting with Rails. I looked through the HowTos and other Tips and Tricks, but couldn''t find anything which looked right. Thanks for anything anyone can pass along to help me along the way. H.B.