Thank you Steven! This is exactly the thing I want to ask and you just answer it before I type it! I am trying to add a type : user/superuser/admin roles to the users table or a separate roles table and see if I can make a simple permission control thing now . Those model mapping thing seems apply here as well. sammy While it has been pointed out that condition should be plural, if your model is laid out correctly, you shouldn''t need to specify conditions. If your User model has_many :worktimes you can then do @an_user = User.find(params[:id]) @worktimes = @an_user.worktimes Or for that matter, since the worktimes become part of the user, you can just access them from the user object in the view. -- Steven Critchfield --------------------------------- DO YOU YAHOO!? 雅虎邮箱超强增值服务-2G超大空间、pop3收信、无限量邮件提醒 _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list Rails-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/