I''ve got a has_many collection of classes that validated uniqueness of one of its fields. When I try to create a new object in this collection, the validation fails but the object is added to the collection anyways. Is this the expected behavior? If not, how do I keep new objects that fail validation out of the collection? class A belongs_to :b end class B has_many :c end class C validates_uniqueness_of :name end from the rails console I can say: >> a = A.find(:first) => [#A:0x....] >> a.b.c.size => 4 (assume one of those records has a name of "don") a.b.c.create(:name => "don") => [#C:0x... ,@errors=...{code="has already been taken"}] >> a.b.c.size => 5 Since the validation failed, shouldn''t the new C object be kept from joining the other C objects? Don _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list Rails-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/iCwEArCW2h5@public.gmane.org http://lists.rubyonrails.org/mailman/listinfo/rails