Almost total noob here, I''ve been following the tutorials and now the "Agile Web..." pdf ( love it so far ) and I''m still trying to shed old development methods and get on the rails. I am working with a very common situation having parent table A and child table B (one to many). To make a page the "old way" to add an item to B I would typically create a page that: retrieves all the parent info from A, and build a <select> to let the user choose from "one" put up a blank b_id <select> to let the user chose from "many" put up a blank or populated form corresponding to fields in B Add javascript to reload the page if the user makes a <selec> change repopulate/create/validate/store as necessary I''m comfortable with the simple rails things. I''ve made models and controllers for my two tables and they work fine. I''ve defined the appropriate has_many and belongs_to relationships and I''ve made a test controller that works with this aggregate object. What I have not done is to create a form to CRUD this combined object. Is there a "rails way" to accomplish this? That is, does scaffolding support this? I''m already really impressed w/ rails but if it can do that, I''ll really go "wow!" Regards, Gary H.