Compound primary keys in your rel table.
On Jul 14, 2005, at 5:12 PM, Josh Knowles wrote:
> What is the approach people are using to ignore duplicate records in
> their habtm relationships? I have seen the :uniq option, but this
> just forces uniquness on the query, it still allows you to add the
> same record to the collection multiple times. What are people doing
> so that the following code won''t result in two rows in your db:
> class User < AR
> end
> class Group < AR
> habtm :users, :uniq => true
> end.
> group1.users << user1
> group1.users << user1
> asert_equal 1, group.users.size
> Test failed: Expected 1 but was 2
> Personally I would have expected the :uniq option to enforce this
> behavior but I am obviously missing something.
> Josh
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