Hey Folks, Has anyone gotten the salted login working with lighttpd? I installed it on my development machine and got it working, sort of. That is, everything worked except for email verification, but I struggled with that, tossed some emails around and after I added the old Rails rewrites to my lighttpd.conf I got that working, too. Until I deployed my app. Everything worked fine, except for the email verification again. The email goes out, but clicking on the verification link doesn''t cause the account to be verified. In particular, I''ve noticed this problem. The link below, http://www.adomain.com/account/welcome?account[id]=27&key=92a2b3134bb1e07a13f5526b312270c6617bd387 generates this output: --- !ruby/hash:HashWithIndifferentAccess account[id]: "27" action: welcome controller: account key: 92a2b3134bb1e07a13f5526b312270c6617bd387 This is *without* rewrites, only Rails routes. The key "account[''id'']" is there, but there''s no "account" key with a subhash containing the key "id", which is what is checked for in lib/account_system.rb in the account? method, which is in turn what triggers the authenticate_by_token method which does the verification. Argh!! I haven''t completely exhausted my possibilities. I could check through the development logs more closely, but if anyone else has worked this problem I''d be interested in seeing a solution. I''ve seen plenty of other posts, too, along these lines and yet, despite the number of problems with email verification, no one seems to be calling this problem a "bug". Strange. All the best and thanks in advance to anyone who can help, Greg