I am getting a strange error with Rails (0.12.1) on Windows with Apache and FastCGI and MySQL. After some period of time left idle (about a day), Rails will only return ''Application Error: Rails application failed to start properly''. In the development log, the trace will show something like: ''Invalid argument: SHOW FIELDS FROM users'' or ''Invalid argument: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users'' which are obviously valid statements. If I restart Apache, these errors go away. Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? Is there a way to turn the debugging level higher so I can see more detail of what is failing? Here is the full trace of a recent error: Processing UsersController#list (for at Tue Jul 05 08:00:21 Eastern Standard Time 2005) Parameters: {"action"=>"list", "controller"=>"users"} [4;35mUser Count (0.000000) [0;37mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM users [4;33mUser Load (0.000000) [1;37mSELECT * FROM users LIMIT 0, 10 Rendering users/list within layouts/application Rendering layouts/application (200 OK) Completed in 0.01600 (62 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01600 (100%) | DB: 0.01500 (93%) [4;35mUser Columns (0.000000) [0;37mInvalid argument: SHOW FIELDS FROM users [4;33mUser Columns (0.000000) [1;37mInvalid argument: SHOW FIELDS FROM users Thanks, Tom