Hey Luke-
I think you are on the right track here. One thing I see right
away is your join table. You are using menus_menuitems when you
should be using menuitems_menus. The joined tables need to be in
alphabetical order and i comes before s. Also I cannot recommend the
agile rails book enough. I have been using rails since last november
and I have a pretty good grasp of rails concepts, but the book pulls
it all together so nicely it will save you so much time that it will
pay for itself over and over.
About the way you are modeling things... Are you really going to
need multiple menus? I think the relationship might be easier if your
menuitems belong_to :menus and menus has_many :menu_items. But maybe
I am not seeing something here about your requirements. I am going to
need this exact functionality in a few months when I build a site for
my uncle''s restaurant. So feel free to contact me off of the list and
maybe we can work together on this a little.
Good Luck-
-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic Newspaper
On Jul 4, 2005, at 4:24 AM, Luke Burton wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am quite new to RoR, but am an experienced website hacker.
> I was designing a site for a restaurant and wanted to give them the
> ability to manage an online menu. After thinking about it for
> awhile, I decided the most flexible way was to let the users define
> two things: Menus, and Menuitems. Menuitems can belong to multiple
> menus, and Menus can have multiple Menuitems.
> The best model for this in Rails seemed to be
> has_and_belongs_to_many. However, I couldn''t get anything auto-
> generated to work for me (perhaps this is my first problem), so I
> decided to just write it myself.
> Rather than dump the schema and my ActiveRecord here, I''ve dumped
> them at the bottom of the e-mail. I''ve successfully done some
> queries using my ActiveRecord classes, so now I''m thinking of the
> big picture.
> My big question is, how do I go about architecting this correctly
> in Rails? I will of course have a page where the users can "CRUD"
> menus, a page where they can CRUD Menuitems. Then there must be
> somewhere the users can assign Menuitems to menus, and also look at
> the reverse relationship (what Menus does this Menuitem belong to?)
> Before I went about generating controllers willy nilly, I wanted to
> have some feedback on my approach. I''m acutely aware that there is
> often a "rails" way of doing things (and of course a
"ruby" way as
> well), and didn''t want to simply fall into my old Perl habits
> straightaway.
> Example questions: should I generate one controller to manage
> everything? Or split the controller between Menus and Menuitems?
> Can I generate helpful scaffolding for has_and_belongs_to_many type
> classes, or must I write all the basic CRUD stuff by hand? Is all
> this contained in the beta rails book and should I buy it? :)
> Hope someone can steer me in the right direction!
> Regards,
> Luke.
> My schema looks like:
> CREATE TABLE `menuitems` (
> `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> `shortname` varchar(255) default NULL,
> `fullname` varchar(255) default NULL,
> `price` float default NULL,
> `created_on` timestamp NOT NULL default ''0000-00-00
> `updated_on` timestamp NOT NULL default ''0000-00-00
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
> CREATE TABLE `menus` (
> `id` int(11) NOT NULL default ''0'',
> `name` varchar(255) default NULL,
> `created_on` timestamp NOT NULL default ''0000-00-00
> `updated_on` timestamp NOT NULL default ''0000-00-00
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
> CREATE TABLE `menus_menuitems` (
> `menu_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ''0'',
> `menuitem_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ''0'',
> KEY `menus_menuitems_FKIndex1` (`menu_id`),
> KEY `menus_menuitems_FKIndex2` (`menuitem_id`)
> My active record looks like:
> require ''active_record''
> class Menu < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_and_belongs_to_many :menuitems, :join_table =>
> end
> class Menuitem < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_and_belongs_to_many :menus, :join_table =>
> end
> --
> Luke Burton.
> "For relaxing times, make it Suntory time."
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