I''m getting a strange error in the production.log (I''m on a TxD shared server). The first entry is a successful request from right after restarting lighttpd and killing all the procs, the second is the error after accessing the site half an hour later without having changed anything. Restarting lighttpd resolves the issue. What might be going on? ---------------------------------------------------- Processing PersonController#info (for at Fri Jun 24 23:09:11 GMT 2005) Parameters: {"action"=>"info", "controller"=>"person"} ^[[4;33mSQL (0.000218)^[[m ^[[1;37mSET NAMES UTF8^[[m ^[[4;35mSurvey Load (0.000299)^[[m ^[[0;37mSELECT * FROM surveys WHERE surveys.id = 2 LIMIT 1^[[m Rendering person/info within layouts/survey Rendering layouts/survey (200 OK) Completed in 0.01800 (55 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01461 (81%) | DB: 0.00142 (7%) Processing SurveyController#index (for at Fri Jun 24 23:47:09 GMT 2005) Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"survey"} ^[[4;33mSQL (0.000000)^[[m ^[[1;37mMySQL server has gone away: SET NAMES UTF8^[[m Mysql::Error (Access denied for user ''myusername''@''localhost'' (using password: NO)): ----------------------------------------------------- ___________________ Ben Jackson Diretor de Desenvolvimento ben-p14LI7ZcAE/pVLaUnt/cCQC/G2K4zDHf@public.gmane.org incomumdesign.com