I have noticed that in apps like Hieraki and WEIRD, that the config yaml files are named liked "config.yml.example" or "config.yml.sample". I tried that and I get a file not find error upon start up of my webbrick. How are these filenames working in these other apps? I ask because I am having no luck getting my config yaml to work. Here is what I''ve got: ---------------------------------- In Enviroments.rb --> require ''yaml'' begin CONFIG = YAML::load(File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/config.yml")) rescue ArgumentError RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER = Logger.new(STDERR) RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.level = Logger::WARN RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn("Rails Error: Syntax error in /config/*.yml") end My root/config/config.yml file : amazonid: "wordshere-20" amazonURL: "http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/" amazonToken: D32UFZMPMXXXXX And a sample view which references the config file: <h1>Your amazon id is <%= CONFIG[''amazonid''] %></h1> But nothing ever shows up. If is try to reference the amazonToken to access some webservices, then I get an error message saying the token is nil. What am I missing? Thanks, Steve