On Feb 28, 2005, at 9:06 AM, Kim wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just upgraded to 0.10.0 and I am experimenting with packaging
> some
> of the functionality of my web site into components. Maybe I am
> missing
> something obvious but I don''t see any way to pass a parameter to a
> method
> for a component. For example, using the example from
> http://manuals.rubyonrails.com/read/chapter/73, if I wanted to pass a
> range of image ids to the recent_image method, how would I do it? I
> have
> looked at the source for
> actionpack-1.5.0/lib/action_controller/components.rb
> and I don''t see any provision for specifying parameters, only the
> controller
> and action.
> Thanks,
> Kim
To answer my own question, I did find the obvious solution. You can
use the
:params symbol to pass in a hash of key/value pairs.
<%= render_component(:controller => ''gallery/image'',
:action =>
''recent_image'', :params => { ''image_ids''
=> 1..10 }) %>